(Matt Agorist) A Netflix series, titled, The Keepers, exposed a dark underground child sex ring involving the church, politicians, and cops. Does this sound familiar? What a shame.
The Baltimore police has had to set up an online submission form to handle people coming forth after watching the series.
While the series is on Netflix for the world’s entertainment, the harsh truth is that it really happened. After the church attempted to keep it quiet by paying off the victims under the table, the documentary has exposed these monsters to the world.
The seven-part documentary series, which premiered on Friday, also covers the unsolved murder of one of the teachers, Sister Catherine Ann Cesnik. On Tuesday, enough former victims had seen the documentary that they began calling the Baltimore police department to report their abuse.
Baltimore Police have since made an online submission form available for those who would want to report any instances of sexual abuse related to the series.
“We have been contacted by victims from the past who want to report the sex offenses that occurred to them. The murder investigation related to this Netflix series was handled by the Baltimore County Police Department,” the website reads.
Because, Maskell, the monster behind this widespread rape and abuse, was well-connected int the political realm, he brought others into his sick ring to prey on these young girls.
Maskell’s brother was a high-ranking city cop. This connection had two facets. First, it allowed him to cover up their crimes using these police connections. Second, it allowed for these depraved police officers to enter into this dark child sex ring.
According to Jean Wehner, the woman at the center of the abuse, Maskell operated this sex abuse ring, bringing in outside men — many of them police officers and local politicians — to take part in the abuse.
When Wehner confessed the abuse to Sister Cathy Cesnik, Cesnik became determined to put a stop to it. However, that is exactly what got her murdered.
This is happening all over the country and the world. Hopefully for not much longer.